Race Guidelines
Thank You for attending JAM PROMOTIONS, INC. karting events. We hope your visit will be enjoyable and if we can assist you in any way, please let us know. If you have a question or comment, please contact a track official – We are racers too and we hope that our efforts reflect this.
Registration & Safety Guidelines
*Participants assume all responsibility for adhering to the below guidelines/rules and holds JPI harmless for any participants’ failure to adhere to the same.*
- JAM PROMOTIONS, (aka JPI) acknowledges and utilizes as guidelines motor rule requirements, chassis specification and safety requirements attributed to WKA, IKF, KART, AKRA or other recognized karting organizations. Participant understands and agrees to abide by these associations’ requirements as well as track rules presented by JPI.
- All persons, before entering the track premises, must sign a waiver of liability and purchase a pit pass armband which is to be worn on your wrist. *YOU MUST BE IN POSSESSION OF OR WEARING AN ARMBAND BEFORE REGISTERING*
- All racers must register for their class before going on the track.
- All racers, 17 and younger must have a Minors Release Form signed by a parent or legal guardian at time of registration. One form per driver.
- All safety aspects of your race vehicle and personal safety devices are your responsibility. Abrasion resistant jackets, helmet, neck brace and gloves must be worn while racing.
- Practice will be by class and as per listed order. Normally, two rounds of practice are conducted. Late arrivals, before time trials, which have not been on the track, will be given an opportunity for practice laps if possible. *NO ENTRIES OR CHANGES AFTER TIME TRIALS BEGIN.*
Race Procedures
*Attendance at the driver’s meeting is not required, but it is strongly suggested, not only to answer any questions, but it is also the only way to win PRIZES. Your failure to attend this meeting does not relieve you of your obligation and requirement to understanding and following track rules and regulations. It will be the tracks position that all participants have received and are aware of said rules and regulations PRIOR to their participation in the event.*
- Drivers or a representative are requested to attend a driver’s meeting to discuss any matter not contained in the outline or other matters of importance or questions on this outline of regulations.
- Entrant will proceed to appropriate pre-grid and on to final grid when called. Please refrain from attempting to go before another class.
- Enter track with your class as directed by grid official.
- Timing/Scoring Transponder:From time trials thru features, participants are required to request a transponder device from the designated track person and place it in a transponder holder mounted on your vehicle EVERY time you go onto the track. Mounting instructions for the holder are displayed at scoring tower and other locations or you can contact a track official for IT IS EACH PARTICIPANTS RESPONSIBILITY TO GET THEIR ASSIGNED TRANSPONDER. FAILURE TO PICK UP A TRANSPONDER MAY RESULT IN YOU NOT BEING SCORED.
- Heat races are normally 8 laps.
- Track has a 15 minute maximum time limit on each race.
- Qualifying is by Class Groups – Remember, you are racing the clock, not each Be considerate. You have enough laps to get in a good lap. Also, you must qualify in your appointed group and class. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO QUALIFY CORRECTLY.

Green Flag
A green flag is used to start race – normally a minimum of one lap is made to verify line-up and alignment and is made at a slow pace. The green flag will be displayed to the front row who will set a reasonable pace while maintaining position. It is the outside poleman’s responsibility to maintain position with the inside poleman on original starts. A second attempt for a side by side restart maybe allowed. If a side by side is not achieved, participants will line-up for a single file start. *Front row position holders who appear to intentionally create a single file start maybe penalized by moving one or both back two positions.*

Yellow Flag
A yellow caution flag signals a warning or caution. Do Not Race back to flag stand when a yellow is used. Immediately slow your pace and you know what a slow pace is! Line-up reverts to last completed green flag lap with creator of yellow to rear. If creator cannot be determined, track can option to put all involved to rear or back to original position. Intentionally creating a yellow will result in your disqualification from that track session. This is severe but we cannot tolerate this type delay – continue racing and you may get a break later.

Move Over Flag
If you receive a move-over flag (blue with yellow stripe), stay to side of track that offers most room for clearance to overtaking driver.

Red Flag
If a red flag is displayed, immediately slow and stop when safe to do so. Do not continue around track.

Black Flag
If you receive a waved black flag, immediately exit the track (if you feel that you received this in error, pull to exit and advise track official who can contact flag stand for clarification – if you received it in error, a yellow flag will be displayed and your position will be re-established – if not, please exit track). If you ignore a black flag, a red flag will be displayed and you will be removed from the track and will forfeit and right to discuss your incident. *A pointed black flag is a warning that your conduct is questionable and will not be tolerated further.*

White Flag
A white flag is displayed to the leader at beginning of last lap. *A Yellow flag displayed on white flag lap will be followed by checkered flag and results will be per previous completed green flag. The ONLY exception is that leader who received white flag will be the winner.*

Checkered Flag
A checkered flag is displayed to the leader of the race at the completion of the race. *Black and checkered flag displayed at finish indicates actions on previous lap(s) that require review to establish final finishing order. Proceed to scales for verification of weight.* *Refrain and avoid contact with anyone until you have cleared scales. Violation can lead to your disqualification.*
Post Race Tech
- Chassis are subject to post race tech only to assure compliance to guidelines regarding performance enhancements or safety issues.
- Motor tech will be to WKA/IKF/AKRA guidelines.
- Restrictor plates are subject to check at any time – Remember, no alterations of any kind to any area of the plate.
- Oil check will be by flash test or other certifiable method.
- Questions of fuel will be addressed by hydrometer reading, or other certifiable method.
- Registered entrants agree to post race tech if requested. Refusal will be considered a flagrant violation and a willful intent to break the rules and will be dealt with accordingly.
- PLEASE NOTE: This track has adopted the following exceptions; an entrant will be allowed an exception to one non-performance enhancing violation as determined by the tech official or tech committee, if required. Appeal of a tech violation will be administered by a tech committee selected by track officials from available, qualified, consenting individuals. Poling of money winners to determine if tech is required as an option of this track. The track reserves the right to tech any money winner. *If tech is requested in a poling situation, person requesting tech for the class will receive same tech as first place – This is done simply to deter tech for any reason other than suspicion of a violation.*
General Guidelines
*These guidelines are implemented to aid in conducting this event(s) and are in no way to be construed as a warranty for the conduct of this event(s).*
- Fighting is not allowed at this track. Don’t even think about it because if you do take matters to this level, you are going to jail. If you have a problem with someone, contact a track official and let’s talk about it and try to resolve the matter civilly. A night in jail “just ain’t worth it” nor are the consequences.
- Please, LIMIT PROFANITY! We all slip up but let’s try to limit it.
- Drivers are responsible for conduct of crew members.
- If you have an oil spill, contact a track officials and we will assist you in cleaning it up. Oil dry, brooms, shovels are available. – Please do not leave a spill. As you are responsible for the consequences take used oil with you.
- Placing trash in trash containers will be appreciated.
- Courteous discussions or disagreements with track officials are acceptable. Anything else is not!
- Do not go into scoring tower or onto flag stand. Contact a track official if you have a question. Violation of this delays the race and may result in appropriate penalties to your driver or yourself. Please help us help you.
- Visible, readable numbers are required on all sides of your vehicle. It is suggested that on Champ karts a number panel be attached to roll cage about driver.
- If it can be determined that a competitor intentionally takes advantage (wrecking, blocking, ect.) of a competitor, offender will go to rear of field and victim will be returned to his position. In the event of an altercation that would drastically alter finish position with top five and it cannot be determined who’s at fault, it will be the discretion of the track officials to place participants back in original running order, place participants to rear of running order, or continue the race. Bear in mind that this is a human judgment call.
- If you are involved in a situation requiring a ruling, contact a track official and ask them to notify the flagman before the green flag is displayed.
- Rough Driving – A judgment call for sure, but we will administer punishment if needed. Remember, your safety and the safety of your fellow racers is our primary concern.
- Purses are based on a percentage of total entry fees per class. Pay-outs are based on one pay-out for each three entries up to five pay-out Trophies are given to five places in junior classes no matter what the cash pay-out is. Senior classes receive a minimum of three trophy positions no matter what cash pay-out is. Payouts and trophies are released when classes are cleared. Special events may have different pay-outs.
- Mufflers, slicks only and 35 chain are required.
- DO NOT COME ONTO TRACK DURING RACES, UNLESS PERMITTED BY TRACK OFFICIALS. Contact track officials so proper paperwork is filled out.
- Event sponsor provided decals must be displayed on your kart if you are a feature Failure to display decals could result in penalty of loss of two finishing positions.